Sunday, 25 December 2011

No image-makeover but porn promotion for Sunny

Sunny Leone might be trying too hard to sanitise her “porn star” image but her presence in `Bigg Boss 5` has thoroughly scandalized the moral police in India.

The Broadcasting Content Complaints Council (BCCC), which happens to be an independent body launched by the Indian Broadcasters Foundation (IBF) to regulate content on TV, believes that the adult film actress is making the most of the controversial show to promote her porn films in India.

The moral police believe that the show in a way is boosting viewership of sexually explicit content by having a porn star on board. The body has also asked the channel airing the show to withdraw cross-promotional activities of Sunny’s official adult site by the 26th of December.

“We all agreed that Sunny Leone has been using Bigg Boss on TV to promote pornography which is classified as criminal activity in India. It may not be criminal in the United States where she comes from, but here, it happens to be so. Therefore, she can’t be allowed to use our television to promote her business. The channel has agreed to comply and report back on steps taken,” said Wajahat Habibullah, a member of BCCC.

Slamming Sunny, Dale Bhagwagar, Amar Upadhyay’s publicist said, “Sunny has been constantly playing mischief with Amar Upadhyay on Bigg Boss, falsely alleging that the family man has been ‘touchy-feely’ with her.”

BCCC has no problems with the airing of the show provided no contestant uses it as a platform to promote his/her business especially when it’s illegal.

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